Ordering Information


Every week, we announce and deliver the PIZZA OF THE WEEK.

Pizza deliveries are made on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Because all topping ingredients are sourced and prepared fresh to order,

please place your order a day in advance for best availability.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome 2012!

We hope the New Year is starting off lovely for you!

Many of us begin the year with new commitments to self-care, including upgrading the way we eat. May more raw fruits and vegetables be one of your 2012 resolutions!

Please take a few minutes to help Live Lyve Raw Vegan Cuisine fulfill one of OUR resolutions - to provide the BEST FOOD for the BEST LIFE to people all over New Orleans. Take this survey to help us improve our business for YOU!


This weekend, there will be no pizza deliveries.
Please be patient as we tweak a few elements of the business and prepare to move forward in 2012!!
In the meantime, check out this sample of our new product shots. Beautiful, yes? Big-up to my brother, chef and photographer Juba Kali!

A Word From The Chef

At a recent holiday family gathering, a cousin of mine joked, "Jenga, you're gonna outlive ALL OF US!" as I placed my contribution to the potluck** (a half Sweet Pepper Mushroom, half Tomato Basil raw vegan pizza) on the table. I laughed along with her, but later thought about what she said. Guess what? No one gets to decide how long he/she will live.

Live Lyve Raw Vegan Cuisine is about the QUALITY of that life. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you energized after you eat? Can you climb a flight of stairs without getting winded? Do you have the energy to accomplish your daily goals? How can you get the most out of this wonderful life if your physical being is more of an encumbrance than an asset to you?

During the course of this new year, I will be sharing more about the Live Lyve Raw Vegan Cuisine Lyve-Style and how taking care of yourself is act of love and joy rather than discipline and constraint.

- Jenga Mwendo
Live Lyve Raw Vegan Cuisine

** I want to let y'all know that I had a sampling of everything I wanted to eat on that table. A Live Lyve Raw Vegan Cuisine Live-Style is about ENJOYING yourself and LOVING yourself too. And I stopped when I'd had enough - eating well does NOT mean stuffing your poor stomach beyond capacity.

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